What is a 203k Loan?
If you’re buying a fixer-upper or need to make some repairs before moving in, an FHA 203k loan may be what you need. This type of loan allows you to roll renovation costs into ....
How to Choose Between Two Homes You Love
Do you find yourself having to choose between two homes that you love? It’s a lucky problem to have. Some buyers struggle to find one home that meets their needs. Nonetheless, yo....
10 Signs That It’s Time to Move
While moving can be a real drag, sometimes it’s obvious that it’s time to go. A move can be just the thing you need to jumpstart your life and invite positive change. If you’....
Surviving Your Long Distance Home Purchase
Buying a new home can be stressful. But when you have to do it from across the country, it can be doubly so. If you’ve recently gotten a new job, committed to a new relationship ....
How to Make Buyers Fall in Love With Your Home
When a buyer decides to make an offer on your home, they usually make the decision with their heart, not their head. Buying a home is an emotional decision, and smart sellers will ....
How to Deal With Post Home Purchase Anxiety
You just bought a new house. You should be happy, right? But unfortunately, you can’t quite shake this sinking feeling that somehow you’ve made a big mistake. The good news is ....